
 Can I upgrade my plan to a higher plan any time? Is there any extra setup fee?

Yes. You may upgrade to a higher level of plan any time by contacting one of our customer service...

 Do I have to install PHP, MySQL or anything else on my personal computer?

You do not need to install anything on your own personal computer. Everything that regards the...

 Do you offer adult content hosting?

We do not offer hosting for adult content websites. Please refer to the Sen9 Terms Of Use....

 Do you offer free scripts with the hosting account?

There is a number of scripts that you can have for free with your account. They can be easily...

 Do you offer media streaming?

Sen9 allows media streaming from its servers for file formats that allow playing them with just...

 Do you submit my site to search engines?

Below is a list of addresses of the most widely used search engines where you can submit your...

 How can I have my existing domain name hosted by Sen9?

We can host a website with a domain name that you have already registered. Please type your...

 What control panel do you offer?

Yes, we do offer a control panel for your account that is called cPanel. The cPanel is a very...

 What happens after I purchase my hosting account?

After you have completed your order, we will receive a payment confirmation. Your hosting...

 What is the difference between the addon domain and the parked domain?

The main difference between the addon domain and the parked domain is that the addon domain...